How to Talk to Your Spouse About Investing in Your Business (VIDEO)

Even if you’re a solopreneur, successfully running your business isn’t a one-(wo)man operation.

As you pursue your passion, you need the support of your family. Especially important is the critical conversation with have with your spouse about investing in your business. Here a few tips for making that dialogue simpler — and smoother.

Do Your Homework

Don’t engage in this important conversation flying by the seat of your pants or running on emotion. You don’t need cue cards, but try and prepare yourself logically. Do your homework and write down the specific benefits that this investment will have for you, your business, and your family. Explain how it will help you be the mom, spouse, and entrepreneur you want to be. Think and dialogue from a benefits perspective.

Never Jeopardize Trust

Your business is important. But so is your marriage! It’s not okay to go behind your spouse’s back (no secret credit cards, please!) Be honest and don’t avoid the important conversations about your business.

You need a strong support system to pursue your passion effectively grow your business. Communicating with your spouse about investing in your business is a crucial way of establishing an equal partnership. And as our Mama Power member Rachel Nielson says, “Ask for support, not permission.” You got this, Mama.

Invest in Yourself

Your business is worth the investment. See a greater ROI and learn how to boost your bottom line in our 100 Grand Plan™ Workshop, the one-of-a-kind training (backed by a money-back guarantee!) that will help you make more increase your money-making power. We’ve already had 100 women see ways they can make more money while being a great mom. Time to sign-up is running out! Join us and see what’s possible for you.

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