Why your kids need you to protect your work time

The constant triage of mamahood never really goes away—do I finish making dinner, or stop my boy from wiping Vaseline on our suede couch? (My boy really did this. Ahh!) Do I watch my pregnant friend’s kids for her while she goes to the doctor or take my girl to dance practice?

These kinds of questions get more complicated as a business owner, especially if you work at home part (or all) of the time: Do I play outside with my kids or stick them in front of the TV while I work on marketing content? Do I finish the laundry or schedule meetings with clients?

Your attention will always be desired by more people, activities, and goals than may seem humanly possible. Even for a super mama like you!

But fear not. What you CAN do is protect your time by scheduling specific “chunks” that are dedicated to your business.

It may seem counterintuitive, but when you protect work time, you’re also protecting time for your family.

why kids need you to protect work time

Why is this?

We’ve met with moms who feel overwhelmed with the time required to run a business. It feels like they are constantly checking their email or on social media. And they want that to change.

They want to be present, happy moms. They also want to climb after business dreams. We fully believe BOTH are possible. But it requires protecting your time.

When you protect your work time, you are showing your kids:

·         Your work matters to you.

·         You set healthy boundaries.

·         You honor the creative process.

·         You value what you’re sharing with the world.

·         You will be available to them when your work time is over.

That last one is important – without setting specific times to work, you risk blending business and family so there’s no intelligible difference between the two. That’s “anything goes” territory becomes an exhausting, overwhelming downfall for too many mamas in business. It’s not fun for you, your partner, or your kids to have an overworked mama.

So don’t let it happen to you. Schedule work time, and stick to it.

Does this make you selfish? No, Mama. Think about the commitments your kids have. For example, if your son is on a soccer team, you both know he’ll spend Tuesdays from 4-6 at practice and Saturday afternoons at games.

Do the same for yourself. Schedule a babysitter for the hours you want to commit to your business, and show up. Get your work done. Then when you get back to your kids, you’re fully present. And we think a mama who values herself and what she’s sharing with the world is the best gift she can give her kids.

We’d love to help! To identify your best time blocks and create an ideal life/work situation that works for your work, schedule a PowerStep Session.

7 Free Business Apps that Save You Time

One of the most-asked questions we get from mamas in business is, how do I make the TIME for business while raising my babies?

It’s a legitimate question, especially for a go-getter mom like you who wants to do it all, and do it well. (Right?) The truth is, we all have access to the same number of hours each day. But there are ways to multiply yourself with a team and with tools that maximize your time.

free business apps that save you time

So, without further ado, here are seven FREE apps that save us time—and sanity—so we can spend more time with those we love most, and that's what we call a h(app)y hour!

All of these apps are free—some start with a free trial, but at least you can getting a taste and know if it works for you. For full disclosure, some of these are affiliate links. But that just means we both benefit from sharing them!

7 time-saving apps for business

1. Freshbooks

Wanna make invoicing easier and even, dare we say ... FUN? For two years I've relied on Freshbooks for invoicing clients. It's sleek, easy, and the support team is super helpful. You can a free 30-day trial by clicking here.

2. Typeform

Typeform lets you build beautiful online forms & surveys with great completion rates. Click here to try it out. If you upgrade, we both get 10% off for life!

3.  Doodle

Doodle is a free polling app, specifically for setting meetings with multiple people. Instead of sending out an email, “Let me know a time that works for you in the next two weeks,” and being bombarded with emails to sort through, you set up options and your attendees pick their preferred date/time. Once you’ve Doodled, there is no going back!


A social media scheduling tool, we’ve been using Later to plan our Instagram account for more many months now. As of this writing, Instagram does not allow pre-scheduled posts. But clever Later lets you write posts in advance and be notified when you’d like them posted. With a quick click, it’s shared. We love that Later gives us an advance peek of what our Instagram grid will look like. 

5.  Calendly

This free scheduling app gives you a slick way to automate appointment scheduling. We use it to have mamas schedule 90-minute PowerStep sessions for clarity on their ideal Life/Work Vision and baby steps to climb after it. 

6.  HelloSign

As the name suggests, this easy-to-use app helps you send agreements and get signatures easily. We use this for our #MamaSpringBreak Alumni to sign our Event Waiver before our amazing retreat.

7.  Asana

We could just HUG the team at Asana because we use this project management app all the time in our business. You set up projects and invite contributors to those projects. Everyone has visibility into upcoming deadlines. You can upgrade for more permission-based access, but for our purposes, the free version has worked really well.

And here's a bonus No. 8, just for you!

8.   MileIQ

We’d rather eat last week’s burnt leftovers than sit down and track business miles. MileIQ is the #1 mileage tracking app, trusted by hundreds of thousands of users every day! It’s just not our thang. So, when we found MileIQ, we were pretty happy to find an easy solution that pays us back at tax time. Try it for free and get a 20% discount when you upgrade.

Which of these apps have you used? Any others you recommend? Pop in a comment below. 

Check out how we can help you MULTIPLY YOUR TIME with a talented business team here.