How Mom Entrepreneurs Can Think BIGGER About Making Money (VIDEO)

think bigger about making money mom entrepreneurs

As a female business owner, does talking about money make you feel uncomfortable?

Here at The Mama Ladder, we want to make talking about money — and going after your money goals — normal for ambitious mom entrepreneurs.

In a video on our newly-released YouTube Channel (are you subscribed yet?), I share about simples ways to start expanding your view on money. I spent years researching and expanding my own money thoughts, and here’s how I did it.

Watch it Now: How to Think BIGGER about Money

Key Takeaways to Think Bigger about Making Money

Here are the ways you can expand your money mindset.

  1. Find Your Tribe

    Everyone starts a different place in their money mindset. If you want to think bigger about making money, you have to surround yourself with people who are already where you want to be.

    Find like-minded people whose values you identify with and learn together. Expose yourself to people who are doing different things than you are.

  2. Think Differently

    When you start to view the goal of making money in a new way, you expand your possibilities.

    If you are just thinking about money the same way you always have, you’ll really not be able to increase your income or revenue in your business until you. You have to allow your mind to be expanded and it takes active effort, it takes dedicating time to it. But when you do that, it pays off. Because then you see yourself and your money potential in bigger ways.

  3. Educate Yourself

    A key part of expanding your mindset is learning. Seek to educate yourself by finding a mentor, reading relevant books, or joining a group (like Mama Power!) The more you know, the more possibilities you’ll have.

  4. Give Yourself Permission

    Sometimes the only thing holding you back from reaching a higher rung on your business ladder is yourself. Give yourself permission to talk about money — and go after bigger opportunities.

100 grand plan workshop mompreneurs make more money

Want to start thinking bigger about money?

Expand your money mindset AND find your tribe in our 100 Grand Plan™ Workshop, the one-of-a-kind training (backed by a money-back guarantee!) that will help you make more $$$. We’ve already have 100 women see ways they can make more money while being a great mom.

We can’t wait to see you there, Mama!