You Are Not Cheap: 15 Abundance Affirmations for Business Owners

affirmations for business owners the mama ladder

The story you tell yourself in your head becomes your reality. This is so important as a business owner, and closely tied to what you ask your clients to invest when they buy a product/service from you. The prices you set for your services or products anchor the experience that your customers will have with you.

What do I mean by that?

Think of a fancy restaurant in your city. The one with all those layers of silverware and silk napkins and the exotic menu no one can really read. That’s a place for those who want an expensive night out. Now think of the mom-and-pop place you like to frequent that gives you good food at a cheap price. It’s fast, it’s easy, it does the job.

Both of these establishments have their place, and they both meet the same need: providing nourishment for hungry patrons, and giving folks a place to gather. But what’s the difference in experience?

The Way You Price Helps Establish Value

The price, or value, sets the expectation of what you’ll experience. You know the fancy place will provide you with a well-trained server who will attend to your every whim and treat you like royalty. You know at the mom-and-pop joint, you’ll grab your own food at the counter, find your own table, and likely wipe away ketchup stains from the previous customer. 

The same concept goes for your business. You set the tone by the asking for the investment people make when they choose to buy from you. I want you to get in the mindset that you are NOT cheap. You do not want to be the least expensive option. That is a race to the bottom. 

If you’re already charging low prices, how do you change? And if you feel you could increase your prices, what’s the way to get there? The quickest way to rewire your thoughts and have the confidence to increase your pricing is to use powerful words.

Repeat After Me: You are Worth It

It can be scary to ask for what you believe you’re worth -- but that’s the point, you’re WORTH it. I once had a client tell me, “You are not cheap, but you are worth it.” I tell myself that whenever I send off an estimate or say my pricing. It’s become part of how I see myself: I AM NOT CHEAP. I refuse to be cheap. And so I’m not. I ask for what I want, and that’s what I get.

15 Affirmations for Business Owners

Here are several affirmations to boldly declare to yourself in the car, the shower, in front of the mirror -- and work on really, really believing them: 

  • I ask for what I want.

  • I offer incredible value in my product/service.

  • I am a money magnet. 

  • I deserve to be well compensated for what I’ve created.

  • I am adding value to the world.

  • I value my time. 

  • I refuse to ask for less than I’m worth.

  • I am WORTH IT.

  • I am always attracting customers who see the value in what I offer them. 

  • I am opening doors for more in my life.

  • I am well paid for what I do.

  • I work with clients who appreciate my talents and pay me what I’m worth.

  • I offer premium products/services. 

  • I offer the highest quality experience for my clients. 

  • I recognize great opportunities to make money and jump on them.

When you believe these words, you’ll act on them. You’ll also work hard to offer as much VALUE in the customer experience as you can. You’ll align your pricing with what you really believe about your products/services. And from there, you’ll bring more and more of your ideal clients come through your door.

You can choose to be a premium option, and ask for premium compensation. It’s a choice. You got this!

Expand the Way You See Yourself Making Money - Join Us at the 100 Grand Plan™ Workshop

100 grand plan the mama ladder workshop for mom business owners

Remember, you are NOT cheap. Want to start charging what you’re worth and see more money in your motherhood-first business?

Understand your value and increase your money-making power in our 100 Grand Plan™ Workshop, the one-of-a-kind training (backed by a money-back guarantee!) that will help you make more money. We’ve already had 100 women see ways they can make more money while being a great mom.