3 Tips for Mom Entrepreneurs to Work and Teach Home School (Without Going Crazy)

how to work with kids at home

You're the teacher, principal, and lunch lady, all while still building your business. How is it going working from home?

Every family is different, and we're in unique times. I hope you are giving yourself some grace, Mama friend. After four years of being a business owner with babies (mine are now 6, 4, and 1), here are my top three tips for mom business owners right now:

1) Protect time for your work.

When you block time out and protect it, you're also protecting time for your family. That way you're not constantly feeling torn and when you're "done" working, you can be present with your kids. (See more here about why your kids need you to protect your work time.)

2) Be strong with your boundaries.

Do not schedule business calls when you know it's home school time. When you are saying “yes” to a business colleague, you might be saying “no” to your kids. Instead, be very clear to your family and colleagues about when you’re available to them. Only YOU can set these boundaries, and the only way to do that is to stick to them. You can do it!

3) Focus on revenue-generating activities.

This includes sending invoices, contracts, marketing, sales, relationships that can lead to business over perfecting every detail of your website or social squares. Done is good enough, and you need to focus on getting money in the door so your doors stay open.

Need more support during COVID-19 as a mom business owner? We’d love to help. The Mama Ladder is here for you. Our community of committed mom business owners meets every week in Power Hours. “Feels like therapy” one said — only it’s for your business! See more about it here.