Leap Day Announcement! Meet the Winter 2020 High Five Grant Winners

It’s LEAP DAY, which means it’s time for three women to “take a leap” ahead in their business.

The Mama Ladder and Belly Bandit are pleased to announce the three grant winners for Winter 2020. The High Five Grant for Moms started in 2018 to provide economic empowerment to mom-owned companies. As of this fourth round, the grant program has awarded $21,500 to promising mompreneurs.

Announcing the Winter 2020 Grant Winners!

In a competition with nearly 100 applicants, these women were selected as part of eight finalists by judges Lori Caden of Belly Bandit, sales coach Natasha Hemmingway, and serial entrepreneur, Michelle McCullough. There was a public vote for week, and after tallying up 6,811 votes, here are the top three:

Dear Darby High Five Grant for Moms Winner

The $5,000 grant goes to Dear Darby, owned by sisters April Millar and Aleena Hill, who are both mothers passionate about birth. They live in Idaho, USA.

Dear Darby designs and sells beautiful labor gowns that function perfectly for women’s bodies as they birth their babies.

They are also launching an online childbirth program specifically educating women who want to have an unmedicated birth in a hospital.

Note from April:

“Aleena and I have loved helping women on an individual level have their most positive birth experiences. But what we really want is to help thousands or tens of thousands of women approach this transition into motherhood with excitement and confidence. Educating women on their birthing rights gives the more knowledge and power over their births. If more women have positive birth experiences we will have more confident mothers and more confident mothers can change the world.”

jennifer funk create hope high five grant for moms

The $1,000 grant winner is Jennifer R. Funk, proud widow, mother, artist, and creator of the Create Hope Foundation.

Based in Ogden, Utah, the goal of Create Hope Foundation is to foster relationships between local widows, with support and connection online and in real life.

Jen shares her vision:

“My vision for Create Hope is broad. I would like to offer support to widows in a few ways. Small, intimate retreats help true connection happen. I would love to offer those quarterly, or as often as possible.   As I secure funding, I envision a thriving online site where widows can find resources that are relevant to their circumstances (especially local resources) as well as ways to connect with other widows virtually. The goal is - if someone is having a hard day... there will be someone who is feeling stronger to offer support and encouragement.” 

Rola Amer High Five Grant for Moms winner

The $500 Grant winner is Rola Amer, mama of two and founder of Choulala Box, based in Montreal, Quebec.

Choulala Box helps kids and their parents have a BLAST™ by simplifying their morning routines by fostering independence in the everyday routine of self-dressing.

Choulala Box was the recipient of the National Parenting Product Award for Best Family Product.

Rola says:

“I want to create a movement where parents reap the benefits of empowering their kids into early self-dressing and making the BLAST™ method for wardrobe selection a household tool for the entire family that extends into wardrobe organization and fashion purchasing decisions.”

All three of these mom-owned businesses will be awarded a giant check at the upcoming #MamaSpringBreak Business & Adventure Retreat in March 2020.

Want to support the mompreneur movement?

Help pass forward a HIGH FIVE. Contribute $5 to the High Five Grant for Moms Fund. Every penny goes towards future grants. Contribute here.

Want to be a sponsor for the next grant program and have your business seen in front of 200,000+ email subscribers who hear about the High Five Grant? Send us a note here.