aspire her

Can You Feel the Movement for Working Women? (Aspire Her Conference)

crystalee beck speaker aspire her

We both know the world is a different place than it was at the beginning of 2020. 

Life as we used to know it has shifted. Can you feel that?

The way we work. The way we care for our children. The way we use our time and who we allow in our world. 

During quarantine the past couple months, I've sensed the movement of "creating your own ladder" is needed more than ever. 

Women need to have options for making good money while being a great mom. Work needs to work for our motherhood.

This is such a unique and rare time in history -- and that means we all need helpful tools, connections, and actionable information to face the future. 

Enter, the Aspire Her Conference. 

Aspire Her Conference for Driven Working Women

I'm so incredibly excited to be one of the speakers in this conference, alongside women like Alison Faulkner, Natalie Madsen, and dozens of other exceptional speakers in the Intermountain West.

My presentation is called "Creating Your Own Ladder" and I share how you can build a motherhood-first business.

It's coming up two weeks from now and you can use the code MAMALADDER15 to get 15% off your ticket. 

Get double the support during unique times

Aspire Her founder Erin Weist and I both believe so much in collaboration over competition. I'm proud to be a speaker, affiliate, and sponsor of this conference.

Fun fact: Aspire Her was a sponsor for the first 100 Grand Plan Workshop last year. We both support each other wholeheartedly.

So we've teamed up to offer you a bundle deal to attend BOTH the Aspire Her Conference AND 100 Grand Plan Workshop, saving you $97 and offering you world-class support next month to face the future as a mom business owner. 

June 2020 can be THE MONTH that changes everything for you.

100 grand plan workshop mompreneurs

I cannot recommend these events more highly. Every dollar counts right now, and I feel confident you'll get so much back in return for your time and money.

Both Erin and I pour so much love into our events and we plan to blow you away with VALUE that helps you right now.

These events can be the difference you've been looking for to grow your business. Join us, friend.