#MamaSpringBreak 2019

Business & Adventure Retreat


By checking “I Accept” , and clicking the “Purchase” button, you, the purchaser of “Retreat”outlined below (hereinafter “Participant”) hereby agree and certify you voluntarily choose to attend #MamaSpringBreak 2019 Business & Adventure Retreat (“Event” or “Retreat”), to be held in St. George, Utah for the period of March 14-16, 2019  or April 25-26, 2019 (depending on your session selection), hosted by Lynette and Crystalee of The Mama Ladder, a Utah Limited Liability Company (hereafter “Company”), and agree to attend Event in accordance with the following provisions and terms and conditions, mutually agreed upon:

For good and valuable consideration of $1,999, Client is agreeing to purchase a ticket to #MamaSpringBreak 2019 (hereinafter “Retreat”).  In exchange, Company agree to provide the services outlined below.

General Retreat Itinerary

Participant understands that the Retreat is a three-day, two-night event in St. George, Utah, that will focus on aspects of business as well as adventure/outdoor activities. Retreat will include mindset training, systems coaching and life/work planning, and various training sessions from experts in accounting, legal, and branding. In addition, Participants will also have the opportunity for physical activities, including hiking excursions in Zion National Park, private yoga classes, and a retreat dance party.


Participant understands the cost of the Retreat is One Thousand Nine Hundred and Ninety-Nine U.S. Dollars ($1,999) that must be paid in full prior to departure. Should Participant determine she is unable to attend Retreat and give notice to Company within 14 days of the event, Fourteen Hundred Ninety-Nine U.S. Dollars ($1,499) may be refundable prior to Retreat departure. The remaining, non-refundable Five Hundred Dollars ($500) may be used as credit for #MamaSpringBreak the following year, per the company's discretion.

Voluntary Participation

Participant agrees and understands that her decision to attend this Retreat is purely voluntary; any negative experiences before, during, or after the Retreat are at no fault or responsibility of Company. Participant will not hold Company responsible for any injury, issue, or negative experience had at the Retreat as a result of her attendance at Retreat, or any portion of travel to and from Retreat.


Participant also acknowledges she will likely choose to travel in order to attend Event, and confirms that her decision to travel, and manner and mode by which she chooses to travel in order to get to Event is wholly of her own choosing, and not in any way associated with the Retreat or Company. Should she encounter a negative situation or result from her choice of manner of travel, Participant understands and agrees that Company is neither responsible nor liable in any way, and that her travel is in no way associated with the Event. 

Company will be covering the cost of a condominium wherein Participants will be encouraged to stay during the Retreat.  Any issues with the condo stay, accommodations, or any such similar issue will be handled as best as possible by Company. Participant understands that her stay in the provided condominium is voluntary, and she will not hold Company responsible for any injuries or issues incurred due to her stay in these accommodations. Should Participant choose to stay elsewhere for the duration of the Retreat, Company will not be responsible nor liable for any negative experience with accommodations chosen by Participant. 


Participant understands this Retreat includes the option to participate in physical activities that involve a certain level of physical activity, which carries with it certain inherent risks. This may include, but is not limited to hiking, stretching, walking, engaging in yoga, dancing, and any other similar wellness-centered activity Company may see fit. By execution of this agreement, Participant accepts and assumes all risks associated, as well as full responsibility for any and all injuries, damages (economic and noneconomic), and losses of any type, and fully and forever release and discharge Company, any affiliates or employees of Company, and any individuals participating as guest speakers or experts at Retreat from any claims, demands, damages, rights of action or causes of action – present or future – whether known or unknown, anticipated or unanticipated, resulting from or arising out of participation in Retreat.

Participant agrees to be solely responsible for her safety, as well as the safety of any guests she may have brought. She agrees to conduct herself in a reasonable and controlled manner at all times while at Retreat, and refrain from partaking in any activities that may cause her injury or illness. Participant understands Company is not responsible for any property lost stolen, or damaged while on Retreat.

Potential Risks

Participant understands and acknowledges there may also be a risk from contact with other participants, including negligent or wanton acts of other participant, failures in following guidelines and rules of the event or any applicable laws, any defects of conditions of the premises where Retreat is held, and/or any effects of weather, including heat, cold, rain, winds, storms, or humidity. Participant further acknowledges that each of these risks are that which Participant voluntarily assumes, and agrees Company are in no way responsible or liable for any negative results or injuries she may sustain as a result of the above risks she may encounter.

Medical Evaluation

Participant confirms she has completed any testing necessary to confirm she is medically and physically able to participate in Retreat, and takes full responsibility for her physical well-being at Retreat. If she is pregnant, disabled in any way, or has recently suffered an illness, injury, or impairment, Participant confirms she either has or will consult her personal physician regarding this issue prior to attending Retreat, and receive full medical clearance to participate in Retreat before attending. If Participant chooses not to see her physician prior to attending Retreat, she understands this is her choice, and Company are not liable should any injury or aggravation occur.

Should it be determined at any time during Retreat that Participant is in need of medical attention, Participant consents to receiving emergency medical care and transportation as deemed appropriate and necessary by medical professionals called to the Retreat, or on site with the venue. This Release also extends to any liability arising out of or related to any medical treatment provided to Participant, including but not limited to negligent emergency rescue options. Participant confirms that should she sustain any injury requiring medical attention, Company are not liable. Participant agrees to hold Company harmless from any injury or illness sustained, directly or indirectly caused by participation in Retreat. 


If Participant has any food restrictions, allergies, sensitivities, or issues, Participant confirms she has or will advise Company or Company’s team of any and all dietary restrictions or issues BEFORE arriving at Retreat. Participant understands Company may not be able to accommodate all restrictions, but will do its best to accommodate as much as possible, and will disclose main ingredients to the best of her knowledge of any beverages, snacks, or meals provided at Retreat. Participant takes full responsibility for choosing what to eat, and agrees Company is not responsible should Participant experience any sort of health-related issue while at Retreat.

Disclaimer / Indemnification

Participant also expressly agrees to indemnity and hold Company and their companies harmless against any and all claims, demands, damages, rights or causes of action or any person or entity that may arise from injuries or damages sustained by Participant while attending Retreat. Participant also understands Company are not acting in the capacity of doctors, nurses, lawyers, financial advisers, psychics, licensed therapists, or other similar professionals, and agree to hold Company harmless should any physical, emotional, or financial injury occur as a direct or indirect result of the Retreat.

Participant understands and agrees that all activities currently slated for Retreat are subject to change, depending on availability, weather, and similar events outside the control of Company. Should any such changes occur, Participant understands she is not entitled to a refund, and Company will do its best to replace any cancelled events with a similar activity.

Photo/Media Release

Participant understands and agrees that Retreat may be filmed, recorded, and/or documented by photographers, media, or other members of the press. Participant grants Company a royalty-free, irrevocable license to use Participant’s name, likeness, and image in using such video and photography from Retreat for commercial use, as she sees fit. This may include but is not limited to posting photos and video on Coach’s website, future sales pages and advertisements for future Retreats, and to promote the Retreat and event in general. Company may also sell or assign the right to use such images or other materials to third parties. By signing this agreement, Participant provides Company with a full, irrevocable release allowing Company and any attending guests of Company to use her name and likeness, and all such footage in any way Company sees fit.

Retreat attendees may also have recording devices, including cell phones, laptops, and other means of recording footage, photos, and audio. Participant understands that Company are not responsible for footage, photographs, and any other information obtained by Retreat attendees and posted on social media, the Internet, and/or other avenues. Participant agrees to fully indemnify and hold harmless Company and any affiliates of Retreat should any attendee post or broadcast any form of photography or media regarding Participant. Company are not responsible nor liable for what attendees may post, and Participant agrees he or she is attending Retreat voluntarily, and assumes any and all such risks of being photographed or otherwise recorded by Retreat attendees.

I, PARTICIPANT, have read the foregoing waiver and release, and voluntarily agree to the terms as written, with full knowledge of its content and meaning.